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    Beyond Coaching:

    Building High Performance Organizations One Leader at a Time

  • About AEI

    The Center for Advanced Emotional Intelligence is the first firm to mine the neuroscience of
    emotional intelligence for its applications to business.

    Founded in 1995, AEI offers practical, results-oriented programs for leaders who are seeking to optimize their effectiveness. Our process is designed to help leaders hone the skills they need to build and mobilize strong organizations.

    With emotional intelligence as a cornerstone, leaders can gain a competitive advantage in
    today's fast-changing and knowledge-driven business climate.

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  • Our clients include senior executives from a broad range of industries from some of America's most admired companies. They represent a similarly broad range of company profiles, from Fortune 100s, emerging growth companies, non-profits, start-ups, and executive education. Listed below are some of our clients:

  • Chief Executive Officer, Middle Market Manufacturing Company

    "The leadership development process and emotional intelligence techniques that my Executive Team has learned from AEI has increased engagement at our organization and helped deliver a 23% CAGR of EBITDA over 5 years. The wisdom to see ourselves through our employees' eyes is powerful and continues to fuel our growth."

  • AEI Services

    AEI takes a highly interdisciplinary approach to leadership development, combining business and psychology, as well as philosophy and neuroscience. Our clients more fully understand the complexities of human nature and develop practical techniques for applying emotional intelligence to their leadership.

  • AEI News & Updates

    AEI's leadership development model has been cited in numerous publications including the London Financial Times, Fast Company Magazine, Ivey Business Journal, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, and TNLT.com.

  • Please reach out to schedule a complimentary discovery session:

  • Contact Us to Learn More

    We provide updates on the latest developments in emotional intelligence and leadership: